Fang Su
展览名称:P&I SHANGHAI 2017 展览时间:2017.7.13——7.16 展 位 号:E1B17 展 馆:上海新国际博览中心
展览名称:P&I SHANGHAI 2017
展 位 号:E1B17
展 馆:上海新国际博览中心
Itis my honour to write these few words about the photographs of Professor FangSu, whom I met at the 2013 Pingyao International Photography Festival, througha fortuitous introduction by Zoe Zhang, a young Chinese artist and friend whohad trained in New Zealand, my native country. More than just my voluntarytranslator, she knew how interested I was to meet accomplished Chinesephotographers and educators and see their work. Meeting for lunch with Fang Suand colleagues and students from Hubei Art University, it became obvious howmuch he was admired as a leader and mentor, which made me all the moreinterested in seeing his art work.
Thatopportunity came at our next meeting when I was able to see 200 or so images onhis computer. I was not disappointed. Immediately, in these intimatesmall-scale versions I could see and feel the poetry of his vision and theimpressive understated technical control that brought his pictures to life. Therewas nothing showy or superficial about his work. Rather, it had the quietconfidence of a mature and well-calibrated sensibility. As it is for hisexhibition, 'The Order of Existence', I could detect several dominant threadsto his work. One is a rich and delightful formalism. Another is his intenserespect for what the great US photographer Edward Weston called "the thingitself". Existence is also ordered in Fang Su's photographs, and in reallife by people and systems, by the habits of history and culture, by goodintentions, pragmatism, design, indifference and sometimes innocence. In otherwords, everything that exists is ordered by form in one way or another: theorder of existence!
Themajority of his pictures show aspects of China - an existence with Chinesecharacteristics - but the habits that form the culture of foreign countries hehas photographed in are not that different when the fundamental form of onehabitat is directly compared with another.
Whereverwe live, people have to be reminded, through deliberately domineeringsignposts, of natural and man-made hazards. It is not just the wheelchair-boundelderly or disabled person who is in need of clear directions in public places;able bodied souls need them too. With an artist's imagination, these signs canseen as something else. They can be noticed for the oddity of theirjuxtuposition - and the potential for unintended humour and irony when onecontemplates the nature of their necessarily abbreviated orders, and thehistory behind them. Beijing's unique and beautiful Forbidden City, after all,was never conceived as a tourist spot overly concerned with the safety ofsightseers, which is the sole purpose of the modern signs that appear asawkward beacons in Fang Su's pictures. The official signs in his photographs ofthe wonderfully weathered and richly coloured ancient walls - panoramas whichfrequently resemble fragments of a traditional painted landscape - can, inmusical terms, be likened to the emphatic sound of cymbals in a quieter, morenuanced orchestral piece, such is the contrast they provide.
Thereference to music is not a whim, but a fundamental and almost taken forgranted aspect of Fang Su's visual art, because he comes from a family steepedin music. [explainfamily-musical links?]And as a photographer his way of seeing, likethat of great photographers including Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Weston and AnselAdams, is deeply informed by aspects of music. Stieglitz was thinking of musicalnotations when he made his famous "equivalents" - photographs ofclouds. 'I wanted a series of photographs which when seen by Ernest Bloch (thegreat composer) he would exclaim: Music! Music! Man, why that is music! How didyou ever do that? And he would point to violins, and flutes, and oboes, andbrass, full of enthusiasm, and would say he'd have to write a symphony called"Clouds". Not like Debussy's butmuch,muchmore.'
EdwardWeston is famous for saying that when he felt a Bach fugue in his work, he knewhe had arrived - by which he acknowledged the rhythmic form in so many of hispictures, whether of sand dunes, vegetables or the human form. The classiclandscape photographs of Ansel Adams, with their bold command of tonal andspatial complexities, realized with exemplary technique through frequentlylarge scale photographic prints, is often likened to the music of Beethoven. Itis no coincidence that Adams had a career as a concert pianist ahead of himbefore he decided to become a photographer. Nor that his sophisticatedtechnique, the Zone System of photography, which enables one to accuratelyvisualise the exact look of a final photograph - before the exposure is made -was developed by substituting a 10-step visual tonal scale for the musicalscales of a piano.
Thetraditional strains of Chinese music, and the glorious rhythms expressedthrough traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting easily substitute forWestern examples, of course, and to an ear better trained than mine, I amcertain that the gentle visual symphonies in Fang Su's photographs will be moreobvious, even if unexpected by a Chinese audience in the process of getting toappreciate the unique beauty and special characteristics found in exemplaryphotographs.
Formally,a single photograph, arranged in sequence with others, can be seen as part of a"visual orchestration" with its own character, variety, and changesin mood. For this reason, small, intimate books, the tempo of which can beexperienced in private, at one's own pace, can often convey the artist'sthoughts and feelings more successfully than an exhibition of large-scalepictures. Tempo, as in music, can be crucial, and is more easily controlled bythe simple turning of a page, with slow, or more rapid movements as thepictures, their sequence, mood, and levels of complexity quietly dictate.
However,some pictures, and especially the exemplary panoramic works of Fang Su demandto be seen in a larger scale, not as a sequence necessarily, but individually,so one can get involved physically and emotionally while moving from end toend, with one's eyes gently roaming over the picture plane, gathering thoseobservations that create meaning. If one tracks the movement of one's eye fromone detail to another, and then another to another, the experience, in my mind,seems akin to the process of conducting an orchestra. Meaning comes not justfrom the arrangement of passages but the total experience from start to finish.Yes, the scene depicted might seem familiar, but it is the placement within thepicture frame of the objects depicted and the balance of light and dark, ofsmall and large shapes of all kinds, of the variety of found colour, that togetherbring the pictures to life.
Theorder of existence does not entirely write itself, but is brought to ourattention by the inquisitiveness, and social and historical awareness of thephotographer, his poetic sensibility (complexity within simplicity), histechnical mastery, and also his goodhumour. It is thus my pleasure to recommend his photographic work to you.
John B. Turner,约翰·特纳
SeniorLecturer in Photography (retired), University of Auckland, New Zealand.
“艺美佳Imacolor”,是英文Imaging Color两个词的组合,意思是“梦幻色彩”,艺美佳定位于高品质数字喷墨打印墨水和影像级喷墨打印介质。